
Rainbow Gold List

Moving into the Age of Aquarius we are beginning to connect with science and spirituality as never before. We are at the point the veil between the two is being lifted and faith is being replaced by knowing. We are all evolving toward higher consciousness and as we do we connect more of the dots to the inter-workings of the universe around us. Science by definition is the observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.

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See A Rainbow.

n this age we are understanding the “invisible” phenomenas as never before. We are merging science with spirituality. Spirituality, on the other hand, is generally harder to define being a study of the invisible forces around us. Spirituality is the preoccupation with what concerns human inner nature, especially ethical or ideological values. When the invisible becomes visible then through experimentation the phenomena is more widely accepted as fact and science.

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Vibe Rainbow Path 3.

Teachers, theologians and scientists alike have understood there is no separation. It is only fears and doubt that lead to confusion. When one moves forward in love and faith the patterns of universal functioning are observable. The teachings of universality are all about us as shown in sacred texts and manuscripts throughout history. In Western and Eastern cultures alike the knowledge of esoteric sciences have been recorded and taught for centuries.

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World Works Factor-You

Sacred Geometry acts as a keystone for this blending of the mind and the heart. Science, in and of its self, can give many examples of universal connection, but it is the knowledge of consciousness and the unification of love that can bring examples of the unseen universe to make for a much fuller and richer picture. In this chapter we will explore the connection to show both science and spirituality are one and the same.

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Rainbow Gold List

Moving into the Age of Aquarius we are beginning to connect with science and spirituality as never before. We are at the point the veil between the two is being lifted and faith is being replaced by knowing. We are all evolving toward higher consciousness and as we do we connect more of the dots to the inter-workings of the universe around us. Science by definition is the observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.

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See A Rainbow.

n this age we are understanding the “invisible” phenomenas as never before. We are merging science with spirituality. Spirituality, on the other hand, is generally harder to define being a study of the invisible forces around us. Spirituality is the preoccupation with what concerns human inner nature, especially ethical or ideological values. When the invisible becomes visible then through experimentation the phenomena is more widely accepted as fact and science.

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